Cucumber Go Login

Listing Results Cucumber Go Login

About 16 results and 4 answers.

Welcome back! - Cucumber

2 hours ago Create maintainable acceptance tests in plain text, with unique refactoring capabilities, for your agile projects.

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BDD Testing & Collaboration Tools for Teams Cucumber

3 hours ago Cucumber School Online Develop the skills and confidence you need to make the most of BDD and Cucumber, with FREE world-class training and online tutorials. Learn More Cucumber School Live This hands-on day gives developers and test engineers the practical grounding to use Cucumber to validate and automate requirements. Learn More Public Courses When you …

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Selenium with Cucumber : Tutorial with

2 hours ago

  • Scenario 1: Print text in the console. Scenario 1: Print text in the console. In this scenario, we just print the text in the console by using Cucumber. @media(max-width: 1023px) {.content61 {min-height: 91px !important; }} @media(min-width: 1024px) {.content61 {min-height: 280px !important; }} Step 1) Create Project in eclipse. Create Java project with the name “CucumberWithSelenium” as shown in the below screenshot. Step 2) Adding Jar files in the project. Right Click on the Project > Select Properties > Go to Java Build Path. Add all the libraries downloaded earlier. Step 3) Creating feature file For creating feature file first create features folder as shown below screenshot. Now Enter Folder name ‘Features’ and click on ‘Finish’ Button. Now, create feature file in the ‘Features’ folder with the name of “MyTest.feature” – Process is similar to creating a folder Note: You may need to install the Cucumber Eclipse Plugin for this to work. Goto — Helps->Install New Software->copy paste the link and install Step 4) Write scenarios. Below lines are written in ‘MyTest.feature’ file using the Gherkin language as shown below: Feature: Reset functionality on login page of Application Scenario: Verification of Reset button Given Open the Firefox and launch the application When Enter the Username and Password Then Reset the credential Code Explanation Line 1) In this line we write business functionality. Line 2) In this line we write a scenario to test. Line 3) In this line we define the precondition. Line 4) In this line we define the action we need to perform. Line 4) In this line we define the expected outcome or result. Step 5) Writing selenium testrunner script for Selenium Cucumber framework design Here we create ‘TestRunner’ package and then ‘’ class file under it. package TestRunner; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions; import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber; @RunWith(Cucumber.class) @CucumberOptions(features="Features",glue={"StepDefinition"}) public class Runner { } In the above Cucumber Java example code, we run the by using the following annotations: @RunWith() annotation tells about the test runner class to start executing our tests. @CucmberOptions() annotation is used to set some properties for our cucumber test like feature file, step definition, etc. Screenshot of the TestRunner file. Step 6) Creating Step Definition script. Now here we create ‘StepDefinition’ package and then ‘’ script file under it. Here we actually write a selenium script to carry out the test under Cucumber methods. package StepDefinition; import; import; import; public class Steps { @Given("^Open the Firefox and launch the application$") public void open_the_Firefox_and_launch_the_application() throws Throwable { System.out.println("This Step open the Firefox and launch the application."); } @When("^Enter the Username and Password$") public void enter_the_Username_and_Password() throws Throwable { System.out.println("This step enter the Username and Password on the login page."); } @Then("^Reset the credential$") public void Reset_the_credential() throws Throwable { System.out.println("This step click on the Reset button."); } } In the above code, the class is created with the name ‘Steps.’ Cucumber annotation is used to map with feature file. Each annotation method is defined: @Given annotation define method to open firefox and launch the application @When annotation define method to enter the username and password @Then annotation define method to reset the credential Under each method, we are only printing a message. Below is the screenshot of the ‘’ script and project tree, how it looks like. Note: Step definition is nothing but the steps you want to perform under this cucumber method. Step 7) Executing the Script. The user can execute this script from Test runner script, i.e. ‘’ as shown in below screenshot. Step 8) Analyze the output. On executing the ‘’ script, it displays the text on the console. It is the same text defined in ‘’ script.
  • Scenario 2: Enter login Credential and reset the value. Scenario 2: Enter login Credential and reset the value. Here we will just enter Credential on Guru99 demo login page and reset the value For Scenario 2 we need to update only ‘’ script. Here we actually write the selenium script as shown below steps. First, we need to add Selenium jar file to this project. Step 1) Here we update the ‘’ script as shown in the below code and screenshot. package StepDefinition; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; import; import; import; public class Steps { WebDriver driver; @Given("^Open the Firefox and launch the application$") public void open_the_Firefox_and_launch_the_application() throws Throwable { System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "E://Selenium//Selenium_Jars//geckodriver.exe"); driver= new FirefoxDriver(); driver.manage().window().maximize(); driver.get(""); } @When("^Enter the Username and Password$") public void enter_the_Username_and_Password() throws Throwable { driver.findElement("uid")).sendKeys("username12"); driver.findElement("password")).sendKeys("password12"); } @Then("^Reset the credential$") public void Reset_the_credential() throws Throwable { driver.findElement("btnReset")).click(); } } Screenshot of the above selenium script. Step 2) Execute the script. After updating we run the Step 3) Analyze the output. In the output you can see the following: Browser launched. Guru99 bank demo site gets opened. Username and password are placed on the login page. Reset the values.
  • Scenario 3: Enter login Credential on Guru99 & reset the value. Do this for 3 sets of data. Scenario 3: Enter login Credential on Guru99 & reset the value. Do this for 3 sets of data. Here we need to update both the ‘’ and the feature file. Step 1) Update the feature file as shown below: Here we update the feature file with 'Scenario Outline' and 'examples' syntax. Feature: Reset functionality on login page of Application Scenario Outline: Verification of reset button with numbers of credential Given Open the Firefox and launch the application When Enter the Username <username>and Password <password> Then Reset the credential Examples: |username |password | |User1 |password1 | |User2 |password2 | |User3 |password3 | // In this line we define the set of data. Step 2) Now update the script. Here we update the methods as to pass the parameters, updated script shown below: package StepDefinition; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; import; import; import; public class Steps { WebDriver driver; @Given("^Open the Firefox and launch the application$") public void open_the_Firefox_and_launch_the_application() throws Throwable { System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "E://Selenium//Selenium_Jars//geckodriver.exe"); driver= new FirefoxDriver(); driver.manage().window().maximize(); driver.get(""); } @When("^Enter the Username \"(.*)\" and Password \"(.*)\"$") public void enter_the_Username_and_Password(String username,String password) throws Throwable { driver.findElement("uid")).sendKeys(username); driver.findElement("password")).sendKeys(password); } @Then("^Reset the credential$") public void Reset_the_credential() throws Throwable { driver.findElement("btnReset")).click(); } } Step 3) Now execute the updated script. Below screen shows the successful execution of the script and time taken by each set of data. Step 4) Analyze the output. In the output you can see the following: Below output gets repeated for the number of data sets, i.e., 3 sets. Browser launched. Guru99 bank demo site gets opened. Username and password are placed on the login page. Reset the values. Conclusion. Cucumber is a very popular BDD tool. It is easy to read and can be understood by all stakeholders including technical and non-technical person. Cucumber can be integrated with Selenium using following 3 steps Create feature file in which define the feature and scenarios step by step using Gherkin language. Create Testrunner file. In this file, we integrated Cucumber with BDD framework in Selenium. We execute this script. Creat Step definition, the actual selenium script defined under this package.

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Cucumber with Selenium for Test Automation: Tutorial

4 hours ago The Cucumber Framework. Cucumber framework mainly consists of three major parts – Feature File, Step Definitions, and the Test Runner File. 1. Feature File. A standalone unit or a single functionality (such as a login) for a project can be called a Feature.

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ruby on rails - Testing login with devise and cucumber

8 hours ago Jun 24, 2011 . when /the login page/ user_session_path Here my path is using devise default setting. You can use rake routes to discover your login path. You might have to change the text in the "Sign in", "Signed in successfully" to match your page. My assumptions here is that your are using the default config for cucumber+capybara+devise.
Reviews: 3

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Cucumber - Annotations - Tutorialspoint

9 hours ago Annotation is a predefined text, which holds a specific meaning. It lets the compiler/interpreter know, what should be done upon execution. Cucumber has got the following few annotations −. Given −. It describes the pre-requisite for the test to be executed.

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Reporting - Cucumber Documentation

12 hours ago
The easiest way to get started with reporting is to use the Cucumber Reportsservice. Watch this video for a quick introduction or read the introductory blog postfor more details. Publishing to the Cucumber Reports service is currently supported in: 1. Cucumber-JVM 6.7.0and above 2. Cucumber-Ruby 5.1.1and above 3. Cucumber-JS 7.0.0and above

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Cucumber - Command Line Options - Tutorialspoint

8 hours ago In order to execute Cucumber test with command prompt, use the following steps after system configuration. Step 1 − Create a Maven Test Project named commandLine. Go to File → New → Others → Maven → Maven Project → Next. Provide group Id (group Id will identify your project uniquely across all projects). Provide artifact Id ...

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Go and Test: Cucumber - Tech Blog

4 hours ago Aug 09, 2019 . Cucumber in Go with Godog; Testing with GoConvey solution; Mocking. Cucumber in Go with Godog. When you begin to work with a new programing language, after you know the syntax and structures of languages, the next step write code. To write code It is necessary to know the testing tools that you can use with the language.

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How to write Selenium Test with Cucumber in Java

9 hours ago Selenium Java Test. Lets first write a simple Selenium Test script for LogIn functionality and then convert that script into Cucumber script to understand it better. 1) Create a new Class file in the ‘ cucumberTest ‘ package and name it as ‘ SeleniumTest ‘, by right click on the Package and select New > Class.

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Get Started with Cucumber and Azure DevOps!

10 hours ago Now latest version of cucumber-eclipse plugin is installed successfully in your Eclipse. Download Cucumber JARS from Maven Repo Go to Search for cucumber-core in the Central Maven Repository. Download jar file; Similarly, search for all the below libs in the Maven repo and download JAR’s Download Selenium

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Sea Cucumber Breeder Anyuan Makes Second Go At Hong Kong

7 hours ago As that happened, the sea cucumber market is expected to resume growth at a compound annual rate of 7.2% over the next four years, making it worth 42.4 billion yuan in …

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How to use Cypress with Cucumber - TestersDock

11 hours ago Let’s add cucumber to cypress and automate a simple login scenario using data tables. Step 1: Install the cypress-cucumber-preprocessor plugin. 1. npm install -- save - dev cypress - cucumber - preprocessor. Step 2: In your package.json write below. This is to make sure that cypress-cucumber-preprocessor doesn’t use global step definitions ...

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Chapter 3.1 - Cucumber with Selenium, Part 1

5 hours ago Once I'm done, I'll go to my “Login.feature” file and try to execute and see what exactly happens. So, I'm going to right-click, Run As > Cucumber Feature. In the console, we will be able to see the PendingException that has been thrown, which is unexpected behavior.

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Sign in - Google Accounts

6 hours ago Sign in - Google Accounts

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How To Integrate Cucumber With Jenkins?

5 hours ago Login to your Jenkins server as an administrator. Navigate to “ Manage Jenkins .”. Go ahead and click “ Manage Plugins .”. Go to the “ Available ” tab under the manage plugins page. Search for “ cucumber ” in the filter at the right top corner. Go ahead and check the box against the Cucumber reports.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is there an online course for cucumber?

    Cucumber School Online Develop the skills and confidence you need to make the most of BDD and Cucumber, with FREE world-class training and online tutorials. Learn More Cucumber School Live This hands-on day gives developers and test engineers the practical grounding to use Cucumber to validate and automate requirements.

  • How to add cucumber to Cypress and automate login scenario?

    Let’s add cucumber to cypress and automate a simple login scenario using data tables. Step 1: Install the cypress-cucumber-preprocessor plugin. Step 2: In your package.json write below. This is to make sure that cypress-cucumber-preprocessor doesn’t use global step definitions. Step 3: Go to cypress/plugins/index.js and write:

  • How to write a selenium test for login using cucumber?

    Lets first write a simple Selenium Test script for LogIn functionality and then convert that script in to Cucumber script to understand it better. 1) Create a new Class file in the ‘cucumberTest‘ package and name it as ‘SeleniumTest‘, by right click on the Package and select New > Class.

  • How to execute cucumber test with command prompt?

    In order to execute Cucumber test with command prompt, use the following steps after system configuration. Step 1 − Create a Maven Test Project named commandLine. Go to File → New → Others → Maven → Maven Project → Next. Provide group Id (group Id will identify your project uniquely across all projects).

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