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About 19 results and 4 answers.

Pattern Generator Create Seamless, Royalty-Free Patterns

5 hours ago Use this tool to create unique, seamless, royalty‑free patterns. Choose a base style, then customize with colors, filters, and transforms. Each pattern style has it's own unique transforms. Play around to see what they do. Try sliding transform 'C' in the transform window. Click the 'shuffle' button to see the kinds of patterns you can make.

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QR Code Generator Create Your Free QR Codes

2 hours ago After signing up, you will have the chance to try all the features of our generator free for 14 days. There, you can create Static and Dynamic QR Codes, design with colors and logos, choose frames, save designs as templates, edit the short URLs, set up your own domain, add team members, and many other exciting features.

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Online Pattern Generator - 20 Tools For Designers

3 hours ago

  • Step 1: Preparing the Mask and Pattern Images Step 1: Preparing the Mask and Pattern Images The Key-PNG for this Effect: First you have to create a PNG-24 (24bit, so the alpha-channel gets saved too) similar to this one: As you see, the transparency is not the outside of the logo. It is inside of it, where you want to change the color, apply the gradients, add patterns and animate them. The background should be exactly the same as in the container, in which the logo is going to be. You can either use a single color or whatever else you want to. Just take care if your background has a pattern so the transition is seamless to your main background-pattern. The Pattern-PNG for the Animation Effect: The next image we will need is the one with the gradient and/or pattern. The one I will use looks like this: The dimensions of my pattern are 450 x 3000 pixel. The width should be exactly the same as the PNG-mask. The height does not matter. The higher, the better. Also make sure to remember the size. We will need it later in our script to adjust the animation.
  • Step 2: Arranging the Folders and the XHTML Structure Step 2: Arranging the Folders and the XHTML Structure Before we start creating our needed files, we first create our folder structure again. It should look something like this again: Our index.html, which will be created at the root of this structure will need following wrappers around the PNG-mask: <div id="wrapper"> <div id="color"></div> <div id="pattern"></div> <div id="logobox"></div> </div> As you see here, we have 3 different wrappers for each element. The first one will contain only the color. The second one only the pattern. And the last one will only contain the PNG-mask, which also will be the topmost element. Why three wrappers??? Maybe you ask yourself now, why we need 3 separate wrappers for each element, if we can do the same with only one. This is why: With 3 separate wrappers, we will be able to adjust different transparencies for every used element, without worrying about loosing opacity on the pattern or the logo itself. For the sliders we will use the latest jQuery UI again – so you don’t have to worry too much about the structure there. Just make sure they have all the same class and different ID’s. My Slider structure looks like this: <!-- color sliders --> <div id="red" class="slider"></div> <div id="green" class="slider"></div> <div id="blue" class="slider"></div> <div id="alpha1" class="slider"></div> <!-- pattern sliders --> <div id="alpha2" class="slider"></div> <div id="speed" class="slider"></div> For the buttons I’m using ordinary a-tags – Just give them all the same class and different ID’s again, so you can style them and bind different functions to them. We will later escape the default link-behavior by returning “false” in the script. Scripts and styles in the header: <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.7.2/themes/black-tie/jquery-ui.css" type="text/css" media="all" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" type="text/css" media="all" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui-1.8rc3.custom.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/script.js"></script> For saving bandwidth, we will link to the Google files again. Unfortunately the latest jQuery UI (version 1.8, release candidate 3) is not hosted there yet, so you have to host in on your own server. You can . You will only need the UI Core and the Slider Widget. I cannot use the latest stable release (version 1.7.2) because there is a small “bug”, regarding the animation of the sliders, when changing the values programmatically. You can take a look at the . However, it is resolved in the latest release candidate, so I will not go further into the changes now. Of course you can use the to create your own slider-styles. This time I will skip the CSS part completely because there is nothing special to take care of. The only thing you maybe want to add is classes for pattern-only settings and animation-only settings, so we can hide them later in our script by only using the class names as selector.
  • Step 3: Writing Some JavaScript Functions Step 3: Writing Some JavaScript Functions The first thing we have to do is to create document.ready function, so the scripts start, as soon as the DOM is loaded and before the page contents are loaded. $(function(){ // put all your jQuery goodness in here. }); Now we will setup a few variables at first: // color container var color = $("#color"); // pattern container var pattern = $("#pattern"); // animation start/stop button var startstop = $("#startstop"); // show/hide button var showhide = $("#showhide"); // random-color button var randomcolors = $("#randomcolors"); // default animation speed (5ms to 100ms) var speed = 50; // starting position of the pattern var curPos = 0; // reset-position var resetPos = -(3000-117); The last variable defines when our pattern hits the end, so we can start from the beginning again – it will be for the animation later. 3000 is the height of our pattern image and 117 is the height of our logo. Don’t forget to put a minus in front of this value. The pattern will move up in its container with the CSS background-position animated. Converting the slider-div’s to the jQuery UI sliders: // setting up the jQuery UI sliders $("#red, #green, #blue").slider({ animate:true, range:"min", max:255, slide:colorChanger, change:colorChanger }); $("#red").slider("value", 52); $("#green").slider("value", 174); $("#blue").slider("value", 203); $("#alpha1").slider({ animate:true, range:"min", max:100, value:100, slide:alphaChanger1, change:alphaChanger1 }); $("#alpha2").slider({ animate:true, range:"min", max:100, value:100, slide:alphaChanger2, change:alphaChanger2 }); $("#speed").slider({ animate:true, range:"min", min:5, max:100, value:50, slide:speedChange, change:speedChange }); This is everything you need, to “install” the sliders and setup the starting-values and behaviors. I will go true all options, so you know what you are doing here: animate:true: Smoothly scroll the handle of the sliders to the position where the user clicked or to the value of our random function. You can also also use one three predefined strings (“slow”, “normal”, “fast”) or the number of milliseconds to run the animation (e.g. 500). range:”min”: This is optional – I’m using this, so I can fill up the slider with a color or a pattern. With “min” the color/pattern will go all the way from left to the position of the handle. min:5: The minimum value of the slider (used only on the animation-speed slider). max:255: The maximum value of the slider. value:50: Setting the starting-value of the slider slide/change: Those two are events of the slider. They are triggered when the user slides or changes the values. We are calling our functions there which will be created in the next step. If you need more information about the options and events we are using, you can take a look at the . Now everything is ready to create our main functions. Converting RGB to HEX // RGB to HEX converter (with 3 arguments) function rgbToHex(r,g,b){ var hex = [ // converting strings to hex (16) r.toString(16), g.toString(16), b.toString(16) ]; // get all 3 values of the array $.each(hex, function(nr, val){ // make sure they are not empty if (val.length == 1){ // add leading zero hex[nr] = "0" + val; } }); // returns a valid hexadecimal number return hex.join("").toUpperCase(); } With this function, we will convert the values of the red, green and blue sliders to a valid hexadecimal for using it in CSS. For making this work, we need to pass 3 variables to the function (r,g,b) and convert those strings to hex-code. We do so by using .toString(16). We also wrapped them into an array, so we can go through them now by jQuery’s each() loop, passing the index of the array (nr) and the value (val) to the loop. Last thing we need to to is to join those 3 values and converting them to uppercase. Background-color Changer: // changing the colors function colorChanger(){ // value of the "red"-slider var red = $("#red").slider("value"); // value of the "green"-slider var green = $("#green").slider("value"); // value of the "blue"-slider var blue = $("#blue").slider("value"); // converting values to hex var hex = rgbToHex(red,green,blue); // changing the background-color of the wrapper color.css("background-color", "#" + hex); } This function will get all 3 values of our red-, green- and blue-sliders, convert the values to a valid hex-code using the previous function and change the css of our color-container. That’s all! You should now be able to change the color of your logo. (You have to comment out the alpha and the speed sliders, or you will get a JavaScript error.) Opacity Changer: // change the opacity of the color-wrapper function alphaChanger1(){ var opacity = $("#alpha1").slider("value") / 100; color.css("opacity", opacity ); } // change the opacity of the pattern-wrapper function alphaChanger2(){ var opacity = $("#alpha2").slider("value") / 100; pattern.css("opacity", opacity ); } Those two functions will handle the opacity of the color-wrapper and the pattern-wrapper. Nothing special there. Just make sure to divide your value by 100, so you get a value between 0.00 and 1.00. This step is important because the opacity attribute does not accept 3 digits as value. So a 50% opacity will be 0.50. You can also combine those two functions by passing the correct container returning the right value. I skipped this step. It’s quick and dirty – but it works! :) Function for the Animation: // pattern animation function patternScroller(){ // substracting 1 with every call curPos--; // if it hits our reset-position, back to 0 if (curPos == resetPos){ curPos = 0; } pattern.css("background-position", "0 " + curPos + "px"); } Every time this function gets called, we will subtract 1 from our current position variable (curPos). If it hits the value of our reset position (resetPos), we will set it back to 0. The last step there is to change the vertical position of the background from our pattern-container. Speed Changer: // animation speed changer function speedChange(){ // get the current value of the speed-slider speed = $("#speed").slider("value"); // clear interval, if there is any clearInterval(initScroll); // set a new interval with the current speed initScroll = setInterval(patternScroller, speed); } This function will change the speed of our animation. First we need to get the current value of our speed-slider. After this we have to clear any previous interval (if there is any). Last but not least we are creating a new interval. This will call our previous function (patternScroller) every x milliseconds. The x stands for the value of our speed slider. Random Color and Alpha function: // random color function function randomColors(){ $("#red").slider("value", Math.floor(Math.random()*256), true); $("#green").slider("value", Math.floor(Math.random()*256), true); $("#blue").slider("value", Math.floor(Math.random()*256), true); $("#alpha1").slider("value", Math.floor(Math.random()*101), true); } This function will change the values of the red, green, blue and alpha1 sliders randomly when called. It does so by using JavaScripts Math.random() function. To make sure the returned value is not 0, just add 1 to the maximum value. To make it a Integer we wrapped returned value into Math.floor(), so it gets rounded downwards to the nearest integer. This function is now ready to be bound to button: // random colors button randomcolors.click(function(){ // if button has no "random" class if (!$(this).hasClass("random")){ // add it $(this).addClass("random"); // change the button text $(this).text("random-colors & alpha: ON"); // call the random function once randomColors(); // set a intervall with the random function randomizer = setInterval(randomColors, 2000); } else { // remove the class $(this).removeClass("random"); // change the button text $(this).text("random-colors & alpha: OFF"); // clear the interval clearInterval(randomizer); } // change the default link-behavior return false; }); We will check if the random-function is already running by adding and removing a class (“random”) to the button. The important parts of this whole function is setting/clearing the interval. The interval will get called every 2 seconds (2000 milliseconds) and the first call is after 2 seconds, so we are manually calling it the first time. By returning false, we make sure the override the default behavior of a link. Show and Hide the Pattern container: // show and hide the pattern showhide.click(function(){ // if button has no "visible" class if (!pattern.hasClass("visible")){ // add it pattern.addClass("visible"); // change the text $(this).text("hide pattern"); // fade in the pattern-container pattern.stop().fadeTo(1000, 1); // fade in all elements with the class "forpattern" $(".forpattern").stop().fadeTo(800, 1); } else { // remove the class pattern.removeClass("visible"); // change the button text $(this).text("show pattern"); // fade out the pattern-container pattern.stop().fadeTo(800, 0); // fade out all elements with the class "forpattern" $(".forpattern").stop().fadeTo(800, 0); } // change the default link-behavior return false; }); Again we are checking if the pattern is hidden or not by adding and removing a class to the button (“visible”). Nothing complicated in here – by now, everything should be clear. Just to make sure: The second fade-effect is used to show/hide all elements which have the class “forpattern”. Start and Stop the Animation: // start and stop the animation startstop.click(function(){ // if button has no "scrolling" class if (!pattern.hasClass("scrolling")){ // add it pattern.addClass("scrolling"); // change the text $(this).text("stop animation"); // start a new intervall with current speed-slider value initScroll = setInterval(patternScroller, speed); // fade in all elements with the "foranimation" class $(".foranimation").stop().fadeTo(800, 1); } else { // remove the class pattern.removeClass("scrolling"); // change the button text $(this).text("start animation"); // clear the interval again clearInterval(initScroll); // fade out all elements with the "foranimation" class $(".foranimation").stop().fadeTo(800, 0); } // change the default link-behavior return false; }); This is the last button-function we need for this project. It will start and stop the animation of our pattern. To distinguish if the animation is already started or not, we are again adding and removing a class (“scrolling”). If the button does not have this class yet we are adding it, initiate an interval with the current value of our “speed” variable. If it has this class, we remove it and clear this interval again. For a little bit eye candy we are again fading all elements with the class “foranimation” in and out.
  • Inspirational Showcase of 50 Twitter Backgrounds Inspirational Showcase of 50 Twitter Backgrounds Twitter background design is one of the most important things, you can change in your account to attract new followers.  We only can change little things in Twitter so why we don’t put there the best we can? Let’s change our background right now, but before we do that – time for you to get inspired! I hand picked those 50 Twitter backgrounds, while I was browsing through like 200-300 twitter pages – these all were the ones which caught my attention. Interesting to notice, not all of favorites are really colorful, but even subtle, clean and elegant but still stood out. In my opinion the best case is to create what suits you in the meantime thinking about usability and readability – but light designs with few colors included to make design shine seems to be the best case! What’s your case?
  • 8. @chriscoyier 8. @chriscoyier
  • 10. @digitalmash 10.
  • 11. @graphicidentity 11.
  • 12. @mmpow 12.
  • 13. @ArteWebdesign 13.
  • 14. @cheth 14.
  • 15. @KrisColvin 15.
  • 16. @marcelsantilli 16. @marcelsantilli
  • 17. @Ubikwitusrex 17. @Ubikwitusrex
  • 18. @rodneireiz 18. @rodneireiz
  • 19. @just4theALofit 19.
  • 20. @Chryseiss 20. @Chryseiss
  • 21. @oxygenna 21.
  • 22. @luciana_luz 22.
  • 23. @tonypeterson 23.
  • 24. @showcasemark 24.
  • 25. @XquiziteLizard 25.
  • 26. @HungryGirl 26.
  • 27. @elianarod 27.
  • 28. @davewilhelm 28.
  • 29. @nbawiileague 29.
  • 30. @LisaWorsham 30.
  • 31. @Go_Media 31.
  • 32. @Doubleolee 32.
  • 33. @theleggett 33.
  • 34. @Farrhad 34.
  • 35. @chadmcmillan 35.
  • 36. @myklroventine 36.
  • 37. @nullvariable 37.
  • 38. @Genuine 38.
  • 39. @imagedesigns 39.
  • 40. @marekuk 40.
  • 41. @Krftd 41.
  • 42. @ramesstudios 42.
  • 43. @rafalmeidaf 43. @rafalmeidaf
  • 44. Pudny 44.
  • 45. @Alyssa_Milano 45.
  • 46. @andysowards 46.
  • 47. @binojxavier 47.
  • 48. @sharebrain 48.
  • 49. @Scarletbits 49.

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Generate Random Codes - Try for free - Random Code Generator

11 hours ago Generate Random Codes - Try for free. This tool can generate up to 250,000 unique random codes at a time. Not logged in, it's limited to 1000 codes per batch. If you own a Random Code Generator account, it can generate an unlimited amount of codes in batches of 250.000 each! The generated codes can be used for passwords, promotional codes, sweepstakes, serial numbers and much more.

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PatternJam - FREE Online Quilt Pattern Designer

6 hours ago PatternJam - FREE Online Quilt Pattern Designer. Whirlpool. @winnigonsdragon 19 0. Steelers Pattern. @2023skinnerb 2 0. Sister's Embroidery Square Quilt. @winnigonsdragon 8 0. City. @putdlimeindcoke 6 1.

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Pattern maker: create seamless and geometric designs

2 hours ago Turn artwork into whole collections. Start with a single image and build a library of patterns from it, all neatly fitting together. " A fabulous way to make tiling patterns from artwork you already have. ". Nic Squirrell. Surface pattern designer.

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Coolors - The super fast color schemes generator!

12 hours ago The super fast color schemes generator! Create the perfect palette or get inspired by thousands of beautiful color schemes. Start the generator! Explore trending palettes. Website. All the power of Coolors on your computer. Use now for free. iOS App. Create, browse and save palettes on the go.

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RandomKeygen - The Secure Password & Keygen Generator

3 hours ago RandomKeygen is a free mobile-friendly tool that offers randomly generated keys and passwords you can use to secure any application, service or device.

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Username Generator

11 hours ago Personalized Username Ideas. This intelligent username generator lets you create hundreds of personalized name ideas. In addition to random usernames, it lets you generate social media handles based on your name, nickname or any words you use to describe yourself or what you do. Related keywords are added automatically unless you check the ...

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Online CSS3 Code Generator With a Simple Graphical

7 hours ago I personally like is that with this CSS code generator I can easily create numerous graphic styles and immediately get their code or code of separate elements within seconds., EnjoyCSS gives access to a gallery with ready-made solutions from text effects to art and templates. It is a powerful CSS online generator that I recommend to others!

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QR Code Generator

3 hours ago Free Online QR Code Generator to make your own QR Codes. Supports Dynamic Codes, Tracking, Analytics, Free text, vCards and more.

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8 Free Pattern Generators to Create Repetitive Pattern

4 hours ago Feb 15, 2019 . 4. Stripe Generator. A simple tool to create great stripe patterns, you can add as many colors as you want to Stripe Generator then adjust the stripe size, spacing, background style, orientation and if you want to, add shadows. You can also browse generated stripe patterns by other users if you prefer to just look for a ready-made one.

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ROBLOX Robux Generator - Get FREE Robux!

7 hours ago About. Our site will provides you a tool to generate free Roblox Robux which is totally free of cost enabling the play users to enjoy the game without any obstacle. This tool also assists the individuals to get free membership for Roblox game. As it is extensively increasing platform (PC or mobile), so it demands heavy security to generate Robux.

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Username Generator LastPass

3 hours ago Create a strong and random username. The statistics don’t lie. Recent data shows that cybersecurity hacks are happening more frequently, with username and email addresses targeted as well. Creating a secure username can be a big first step to protecting your information online. And that’s what the LastPass username generator tool does!

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Make and extract patterns from images Adobe Creative Cloud

4 hours ago Create a fun, new pattern from photos and images for free to be used in Photoshop, Illustrator Adobe apps shared via Creative Cloud libraries and used in backgrounds, wallpaper, t-shirts, prints and …

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AllFreeSewing - 1000s of Free Sewing Patterns

5 hours ago From beginner sewing patterns to complex free dress patterns, we find and deliver the best free sewing patterns from all over the web. Plus, we feature free product reviews and giveaways of all the latest and greatest products including fabric, sewing books, patterns, and more. AllFreeSewing is the online resource for sewists of all skill levels.

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Svg Wave - A free & beautiful gradient SVG wave Generator.

10 hours ago SVG Wave is a minimal svg wave generator with lot of customization. It lets you abiltiy to generate and export pngs and svgs of beautiful waves. SVG wave also lets you layer multiple waves. Create SVGs for your website designs.

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Top 5 Online Pattern Generators - ClickHelp

6 hours ago Aug 13, 2017 . What’s not so convenient about this pattern generator is that the preview is not updated in real time, you’ll have to update it manually to see any changes. Although, it won’t be a problem for those who know what result they want to achieve and just need a quick way to generate a …

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EasyBib®: Free Bibliography Generator - MLA, APA, Chicago

1 hours ago Know you're citing correctly. No matter what citation style you're using (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) we'll help you create the right bibliography. Get started. Check for unintentional plagiarism. Scan your paper the way your teacher would to catch unintentional plagiarism. Then, easily add the right citation.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I make my own pattern generator?

    Try sliding transform 'C' in the transform window. Click the 'shuffle' button to see the kinds of patterns you can make. You can export your patterns as SVG, CSS, and PNG. Feel free to use the patterns you create in any commercial project. Click 'X' to close this window and start creating your own pattern.

  • Which is the best tool to generate patterns?

    GeoPattern provides a unique and random way to generate patterns automatically. You are only required to enter a text (any text) and the tool will generate a unique and beautiful pattern.

  • Where to find the best free sewing patterns?

    About AllFreeSewing.com. AllFreeSewing is dedicated to the best free sewing patterns, tutorials, tips, and articles on sewing. From beginner sewing patterns to complex free dress patterns, we find and deliver the best free sewing patterns from all over the web. Plus, we feature free product reviews and giveaways of all the latest...

  • Which is the best pattern generator for PNGs?

    1. BGMaker BGMaker allows you to create solid line patterns which are then exported as transparent PNGs. Don’t be fooled, however. If you checked out the gallery, you’d see the true power of this lite generator. 2. BGPatterns

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