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Logical operators - JavaScript

2 hours ago In classical programming, the logical OR is meant to manipulate boolean values only. If any of its arguments are true, it returns true, otherwise it returns false. In JavaScript, the operator is a little bit trickier and more powerful. But first, …

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Logical Operators in Java Learn Different Logical

6 hours ago

  • 1. Logical AND Operator “&” 1. Logical AND Operator “&” The logical “&” operator performs the digital AND operation. This operator works on two Boolean operands, and the result will be Boolean. AND operator represented by the symbol “&” or “&&” i.e. short circuit AND operation. Note: in simple & operation, it checks both operands’ values, i.e. Operand1 & Operand 2. In short circuit AND operation && it checks the value of the first Operand1 later it will go with the value of operand 2 if and only if operand 1 value is true. Syntax: Operand1 & Operand2 Operand1 and Operand2 are any Boolean values. Output: True: the result is True if and only if both operand values are True. False: the result is False when any one of the operand values is false. And if both values are False. Truth Table of AND: A B A & B FALSE (0) FALSE (0) FALSE (0) FALSE (0) TRUE (1) FALSE (0) TRUE (1) FALSE (0) FALSE (0) TRUE (1) TRUE (1) TRUE (1) Example of AND Operator package; public class DemoAND { public static void main(String[] args) { boolean a=true; boolean b=false; int num1=0; int num2=1; boolean out1=(a & a); boolean out2=(a & b); boolean out3=(b & a); boolean out4=(b & b); System.out.println("True & True :"+out1); System.out.println("True & False :"+out2); System.out.println("False & True :"+out3); System.out.println("False & False :"+out4); if(num1 ==0  & num2 == 1) { System.out.println("The Condition is True...."); } } } Output:
  • 2. Logical OR Operator “ |.” 2. Logical OR Operator “ |.” Logical OR operator in java is used to perform actual digital OR operations in java. This operator is used with two Boolean operands, and the result will be Boolean, i.e. true or False. In java, the Logical OR operator is represented with the symbol “|” (Simple OR) or “||” (Short Circuit OR). Note: Java uses two Logical OR operations, simple OR – “|” and Short circuit OR – “||”.in simple logical OR operation, both operand values are checked, and depending on the values it gives the Short Circuit OR operation “||” it checks the value of the first operand, i.e. Operand1, and then checks the value of the second operand, i.e. operand2 either operand1 value is true or false. Syntax: Operand1 || Operand2 Operand1 and Operand2 are any Boolean values. Output: True: If both operand values are True. Suppose anyone Operand value is True. False: If both operand values are False. Truth Table of OR: A B A |B FALSE (0) FALSE (0) FALSE (0) FALSE (0) TRUE (1) TRUE (1) TRUE (1) FALSE (0) TRUE (1) TRUE (1) TRUE (1) TRUE (1) Example of OR Operator package; public class DemoOR { public static void main(String[] args) { boolean a=true; boolean b=false; int num=0; boolean out1=(a | a); boolean out2=(a | b); boolean out3=(b | a); boolean out4=(b | b); System.out.println("True | True :"+out1); System.out.println("True | False :"+out2); System.out.println("False | True :"+out3); System.out.println("False | False :"+out4); if(num == 0 | num == 1) { System.out.println("The Number is binary.."); } } } Output:
  • 3. Logical NOT Operator “!” or “ ~.” 3. Logical NOT Operator “!” or “ ~.” Logical NOT operator performs actual digital NOT operation in java, i.e. Negation of Input value. This logical operator is a Unary Logical operator; it is used with only one java Logical NOT operator is represented by the symbol “!” or “ ~ ”.simple use of! The operator is to negating the input value. For example, input, True make it False or if the input is False to make it True. .othr-cour a{color:#4a4a4a!important;border-bottom:none}.othr-cour a:hover{border-bottom:1px solid!important}.box-div .fa-book:before{content:"\f14e"}.box-div .fa-book{background-image:linear-gradient(to top,#0ba360 0,#3cba92 100%);padding:15px;border-radius:5px;color:#f0f8ff;font-size:50px}.box-div .fa-flash:before,.fa-bolt:before{content:"\f1fa"}.box-div .box-btn{width:max-content;cursor:pointer;transition:all .2s ease;padding:10px 30px;line-height:1.33;border-radius:4px;color:#fff;background:#ff8c00;border:thin solid #ff8c00;margin-bottom:0;font-weight:700;text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;font-size:15px;display:block;letter-spacing:1px;background-image:linear-gradient(to top,#e93f33,#ea4b32,#eb5632,#ec6032,#ec6a33);}.box-div{border:1px #bfbfbf solid;margin:10px 0 25px 0;padding:24px;width:100%;-webkit-box-shadow:-8px 9px 5px -8px rgba(0,0,0,.75);-moz-box-shadow:-8px 9px 5px -8px rgba(0,0,0,.75);box-shadow:-8px 9px 5px -8px rgba(0,0,0,.75)}.box-div .course-title{font-weight:600;font-size:1em;letter-spacing:1px;display:block}.box-div .fa-star{font-size:15px;color:#f5af12;margin-right:4px}.box-div .price-box{text-align:-webkit-center}@media (min-device-width :320px) and (max-device-width :520px){.box-div .banr-image{display:none}.box-div .price-box{text-align:-webkit-left}}@media (min-device-width :320px) and (max-device-width :767px){.sale-bf{position:absolute;width:80px;margin-top:-5.4em;right:0em}}.box-div .othr-cour{border-radius:4px;border:solid 1px #4a4a4a;margin-right:12px;padding:5px 10px;font-size:14px;font-weight:400;display:inline-block;margin-bottom:5px;cursor:pointer;line-height:1.4}.box-div .rel-cour{font-size:16px;padding-bottom:5px}@media (min-device-width :768px){.centertext{text-align:center}.sale-bf{position:absolute;width:120px;margin-top:-6.1em;right:2.5em}}.blg-price{font-size:1.5em}.blg-str-price strike{font-size:1.2em;color:grey}.box-div hr{margin:0 0 .5em;padding:.5em 0 0}.box-div .course-title{line-height:25px}.box-div .banr-image{text-align:center;margin-top:20px}.box-div .bundle_link{text-decoration:none;color:#000;border:0}.box-div .bullets{font-weight:400;font-size:.8em}#banner_1 .three-sixths{margin-top:15px}#banner_1 .five-sixths{width:100%;margin:0}#banner_1 .course-price{font-size:1em} Popular Course in this category Related Courses Syntax: !Operand or ! Condition Operand holds any Boolean value. Condition is any Boolean value, i.e. Result of any Logical operation. Result: True: The result is True if the input value is False. False: The result is False if input values are True. Truth Table of NOT: A !A FALSE (0) TRUE (1) TRUE (1) FALSE (0) Example of NOT Operator public class DemoNOT { public static void main(String[] args) { boolean a=true; boolean b=false; int num1=0; int num2=1; boolean out1=(a ^ a); boolean out2=(a ^ b); boolean out3=(b ^ a); boolean out4=(!b ^ b); System.out.println("True ^ True :"+out1); System.out.println("True ^ False :"+out2); System.out.println("False ^ True :"+out3); System.out.println(!b+" ^ False :"+out4); System.out.println("a=true  !a="+!a); if(!(num1 ==0)  ^ (num2 == 1)) { System.out.println("The Condition is True...."); } } } Output:
  • 4. Logical XOR Operator “ ^.” 4. Logical XOR Operator “ ^.” Logical XOR operator is a short form of Exclusive OR operator. This is when we have to check or compare the values of anyone operand is True then the output is true. In Java, Logical XOR is represented by the symbol “ ^ ”.This operator is Binary Logical Operator, i.e. can be used with two operands/conditions. Output this operator is also a Boolean value. Syntax: Operand1 ^  Operand2 or Condition1 ^ Condition2 Operand1 and Operand2 hold any Boolean values. Condition1 and Condition2 hold any Boolean values, i.e. output any logical operation. Output: True: The result is True if any one of the input is True. False: The result is False if both the inputs are the Same. Truth Table of XOR: A B A ^ B FALSE (0) FALSE (0) FALSE (0) FALSE (0) TRUE (1) TRUE (1) TRUE (1) FALSE (0) TRUE (1) TRUE (1) TRUE (1) FALSE (0) Example of XOR Operator public class DemoXOR { public static void main(String[] args) { boolean a=true; boolean b=false; int num1=0; int num2=1; int num3=5; int num4=7; boolean out1=(a ^ a); boolean out2=(a ^ b); boolean out3=(b ^ a); boolean out4=(b ^ b); System.out.println("True ^ True :"+out1); System.out.println("True ^ False :"+out2); System.out.println("False ^ True :"+out3); System.out.println("False ^ False :"+out4); System.out.println("5 ^ 7 ="+(num3 ^ num4)); System.out.println("0101 ^ 0111=0010"); if((num1 ==2)  ^ (num2 == 1)) { System.out.println("The Condition is True...."); } } } Output: Conclusion It makes java code more powerful and flexible. Use in conditional statements or looping statements to look very clean. The most important benefit of the logical operator is it reduces the code complexity. For example, it reduces the number of if…else conditional statements. This indirectly benefits in code compilation, run time etc.…overall code performance is increased. Recommended Articles This is a guide to Logical Operators in Java. Here we discuss the introduction and different logical operators in java, i.e. AND, OR, NOT, XOR with Examples. You may also look at the following articles to learn more – #title-name a,#title-name p{color:#fff; margin: 0;}.container-wp{margin-top:0;width:100%}.container-wp-inner{margin:auto;width:auto;background-image:url(;background-size:cover;max-width:100%}.bgouter{background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.5)}.container-wp-inner p{color:#fff;font-size:16px;padding-bottom:2px}.container-wp-inner h2,.container-wp-inner h3,.container-wp-inner h4{font-size:30px;color:#fff;line-height:34px}.container-wp-inner-row{float:left;width:100%;float:left}.container-wp-inner-col{float:left;width:100%}.container-wp-inner-col1{float:left;width:60%}.container-wp-inner-col2{float:left;width:40%}.courselist{height:auto;background:#39524c;border:3px solid #158e5f;text-align:center;margin:15px 0;padding:15px 0}.courselist ul li{text-align:left;color:#fff;justify-content:space-between;min-height:26px;list-style:none;font-size:16px;line-height:35px}#title-name{margin:0 32px}.clearfix{clear:both}.container-wp-inner-col1 ul li{list-style:none;color:#fff;font-size:14px;line-height:24px;margin-left:-36px;margin-bottom:8px}.btnalign{text-align:right}.btn-default{background-color:#0bb71b;padding:13px 20px;font-size:14px;font-weight:700;color:#fff;text-decoration:none;border-radius:4px;border:1px solid transparent}#h1-head{text-transform:uppercase;font-size:24px;font-weight:700;line-height:40px;margin:20px 0 10px 0;color:#fff}@media only screen and (max-width:768px){.container-wp-inner-col1{float:left;width:60%}.container-wp-inner-col2{display:none}@media only screen and (max-width:600px){#h1-head{font-size:20px}.courselist{height:auto;background:#39524c;border:3px solid #158e5f;text-align:center;margin-top:30px;padding:0 0}.container-wp-inner-col1{float:left;width:100%}.container-wp-inner-col2{float:left;width:100%;display:none}}.mast_cour_title{font-size:18px;line-height:35px;padding:5px 0}.exp-topics{margin:15px 25px!important}.learn_more{background-color:#0bb71b!important;padding:10px 20px!important;font-size:16px!important;font-weight:700!important;color:#fff!important;text-decoration:none!important;border-radius:4px!important}}.learn-more{background-color:#0bb71b}.banner-3 .five-sixths{width:100%;margin:0}.banner-3 .fa-check-square-o{font-size:25px}.banner-3 #title-name p{margin-bottom:0!important}.flcb {background: #fddc05; margin-right: 18px;width: fit-content;padding: 7px 5px 6px 5px;color: #000;font-weight: 700;position: relative; display: inline-block;border-left: 5px solid #000; margin-bottom: 0.5em; font-size: 16px;} 0 Shares Basic Frameworks Keywords Control statements Loops Inheritance Constructor and destructor Array Sorting Functions Polymorphism Collections Date Time Advanced MISc Programs Interview Questions Related Courses

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AND and OR logical operators - IBM

3 hours ago Regardless of the number of relations and logical operators used to build a logical expression, the result is either true, false, or indeterminate because of missing values. Operators or expressions cannot be implied. For example, X EQ 1 OR 2 is illegal; you must specify X EQ 1 OR X EQ 2.

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ruby - Why does "true or true and false" appear to be

4 hours ago Aug 24, 2018 . My only note is regarding this puts false or true && true this actually looks more like (puts(false)) or (true && true) so the evaluation would actually be nil or (true && true) then nil or true but I am certainly glad the extensive conversations and answers have allowed you to learn something +1 for tenacity
Reviews: 9

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logic - Does False Entail True, and Vice Versa

7 hours ago Mar 30, 2016 . You are partly correct. "True $\models$ False" is indeed false: every model makes "true" true, but no model makes "false" true, so every model provides a counterexample.. However, since no model makes "false" true, "False $\models$ True" is actually true!It's an instance of vacuous implication: think of it as being true for the same reason the statement …

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A type with the defined true operator can be the type of a result of a controlling conditional expression in the if, do, while, and for statements and in the conditional operator ?:. For more information, see the Boolean expressions section of the C# language specification.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the difference between logical NOT AND TRUE and false?

    If both the inputs are True, then the result is True; if anyone input is False, the result will be False. The result is True if any of the input is True. The result will be false if both the inputs are False. Logical NOT is a unary operator; it operates only on a single operand. It always outputs the negation of input value.

  • What is the difference between true and false operators?

    true and false operators (C# reference) The true operator returns the bool value true to indicate that an operand is definitely true. The false operator returns the bool value true to indicate that an operand is definitely false. The true and false operators are not guaranteed to complement each other.

  • What is the difference between not and true in JavaScript?

    Note that .NOT. is right associative, while the other four are left associative. Here are some examples: Let LOGICAL variables Something and Another have values .TRUE. and .FALSE., respectively.

  • What is true and false in Python?

    In Python (and many other languages), there is True, and there are truthy values. That is, values interpreted as True if you run bool (variable). Similarly, there is False, and there are falsy values (values that return False from bool (variable) ).

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